Revolutionary War Roster

Washington at the Battle of Monmouth

Washington at the Battle of Monmouth

Men from Charles City County played a part in America’s war for independence from its first days to its last. More than 250 soldiers, sailors and patriots are listed in this roster, but that number may be as little as half the total number of men who served.

Boys as young as 14 and men as old 48 were called to arms, and men holding important jobs, like Benjamin Harrison, VI, Deputy Paymaster of the Army, were not exempted from the draft. The total who served was undoubtedly larger than the number we have been able to identify and probably included many slaves, as well, who were wrongfully impressed into service in the place of their masters.

A majority saw service in the state militia rather than on the continental line. However, as some historians have pointed out, service in the Virginia militia on the peninsula was often difficult and hazardous due to the extent of military activity in the region at the war’s end. The hardest service, no doubt, was seen by the men who were enlisted on the Continental line, marching across the eastern seaboard, freezing at Valley Forge, facing British riflemen at battles from Brandywine to Eutaw Springs and suffering capture at Charleston.

The information contained in this digital archive was first published in the Charles City County Historical Society Newsletter, issues 19 & 20 and is reproduced in this format with the express permission of the Historical Society. The following points should be noted concerning its compilation: (1) The men in this roster have been connected to Charles City County because they were: born here, resident here at the time of enlistment, enlisted here or resident here following the war. Obviously, other counties may “claim” the same men. (2) Men who are listed as “persons of color” are those who are described in a size roll as having a “black” or “yellow” (mulatto) complexion. A few others are so designated based on other documentary evidence. Men described in the size rolls as having “dark,” “brown” and “swarthy” complexions have not been listed as persons of color because that is how we interpret records of the time period. Other researchers may interpret the records differently. (3) The only Patriots we have listed are those serving on the Charles City Committee of Safety. Lineage societies also recognize as Patriots those who provided goods or other support to the patriot cause. For information on persons awarded claims for goods and services we refer researchers to Janice L. Abercrombie & Richard Slatten, Virginia Publick Claims, Charles City County.

Revolutionary War Roster Info:
# of records – 298 
Last update – March 2018